How To Start Working With Your Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are your friends, family, advisors, and support staff without physical bodies. In many cultural traditions, they’re your ancestors, deities, spirits, and more who seek to help you from the other side as you navigate through life. No matter how far along you are on your spiritual journey, it’s never too early or too late to begin working with them.

Here’s some simple steps to begin working with them, and as you progress further in your journey, you can adjust and adapt in a way that works best for your personal spiritual practice.

  1. Figure out which of the four main clair- senses you have

    While you have some variation of all of them, they all can be developed over time.
    Perhaps it’s best to figure out which intuitive sense you have to best connect with first before you branch out.

    You can find out more here

  2. Designate a space in your home or somewhere you feel safe

    This is where you can begin to connect to yourself and your guides through meditation and journaling.

  3. Decide on a regular routine of connecting to them

    Morning, afternoon, or night? Daily, Bi-Weekly, Weekly? A specific time also works, as long as you’re doing your best to commit to a frequent basis.

  4. Begin with grounding and/or energy clearing

    Light a candle with intention, use some incense or burn some fragrant herbs, take some deep breaths, and perhaps do some visualization exercises (white light coming from your heart space or from the top of your head and expanding through your body outwards, for example).

  5. Find a meditative practice that works for you to begin this connection

    Whether you follow a “meet your spirit guides” guided meditation from YouTube, or focus on long, deep breaths, find a practice that helps you get centered into yourself and your space.

  6. Keep a journal to record what you need to remember

    Have a paper and pen/pencil, or your notes app on your phone available and ensure you’re documenting your experiences. What emotions did you feel? Where do you feel them in your body? What senses did you use?

  7. Remember, the universe doesn’t ever “work against” you

    Many of us experience fear when first connecting, as we second guess ourselves, have heard scary stories growing up or endured prejudiced perspectives about connecting to ancestors due to traditional religious upbringings. Trust the process, and pay attention to the way the connection feels in your body. If you feel fear or discomfort, remember that you can always set a boundary (remember - they’re like people without bodies!) and walk away.


Gain awareness in how you can discover alignment and cooperation with yourself and the world around you.