Working With Your Intuition

Everyone has intuition. From my personal practice, I have learned over time that intuition goes hand in hand with your survival instinct. They’re two sides of the same coin, as intuition is essentially survival instinct transmitted through the heart space. Your survival instinct is essential to protecting your physical and mental bodies, and your intuition is to help guide your soul towards its expansion.

There is so much more that intuition can do besides predict the future - your intuition is an inner knowing that encourages to move you forward into the unknown. It encourages you to take risks and leads you to accomplishing things you could only ever dream of. It helps you connect to your physical body, and to pay attention to how people, places, nourishment makes you feel. It brings you to more awareness of yourself and of your surroundings, and blesses you with creative expression. And it’s what helps you enjoy the journey to any destination you’re moving towards.

Here’s how to work with it. Over time, when you become more confident in your personal spiritual practice, you can develop your own methods to connect to your intuition. Here’s a small explanation of each of these four clair- senses and a short meditation to try to identify which senses are your strongest.

Discover which of the main clair- senses are strongest

Whether you’ve heard of clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairaudience, all four are inherently connected to your physical body - and yes, they can be attributed to your learning style! All can be developed over time, but it is strategic to begin with what you feel most comfortable with first!

Clairvoyance (clear-seeing)

If you consider yourself a visual learner, you may also be clairvoyant. Clairvoyance is when you receive intuitive messages through images in your mind’s eye. More physical, earthly experiences of this intuitive sense is seeing angel number patterns, animals, or specific colours as signs from a higher power.

Clairsentience (clear-feeling)

If you consider yourself a kinesthetic learner, you may also be clairsentient. Clairsentience is feeling deeply into what you or someone else is feeling, and strong gut reactions to your surroundings. Real-world experiences of this intuitive sense can also look like getting chills as confirmation of an intuitive nudge, big sweeping emotional changes that come from nowhere, noticing when the energy or temperature of a space has changed, and feelings of someone watching you or a sense that you’re not alone.

Claircognizance (clear-knowing)

If you consider yourself someone who learns best from reading and writing everything down, you may also be claircognizant. Claircognizance is a sudden knowing of a situation or circumstance that seems to come from nowhere without any reason. A real-life experience of this intuitive sense can be simply doing what needs to be done with little to no thinking, noticing that you’re asking yourself if you’re “crazy” or “delusional” for just knowing something (the doubt is, in fact, the confirmation that it’s an intuitive nudge).

Clairaudience (clear-hearing)

If you consider yourself an auditory learner, you may also be clairaudient. Clairaudience is when we hear words, song lyrics, or sentences either playing internally in our heads or externally in our everyday life. A relatable experience of this intuitive sense is hearing a song on the radio or a song popping up on shuffle that resonates with a question you have or relating directly to a situation that you or someone else is going through.

Short Meditation to Try

Close your eyes, and visualize yourself standing at the top of a mountain. Pay attention to as much of the experience as you can. What does it feel like? Take no more than a minute to take the experience in. Now open your eyes. How did you perceive being on the top of the mountain? What senses did you use? How did you feel the experience? Did you see your surroundings, hear the experience, feel the breeze across your face? These physical senses help us to pull ourselves deeper into knowing which intuitive senses are strongest.

Begin first developing your strongest sense(s) and grow from there. And don’t forget to take your time! Practice is important.


Gain awareness in how you can discover alignment and cooperation with yourself and the world around you.