Grounding Techniques for A Practice of Presence

This is a beginner's guide to grounding into the present moment. Call it mindfulness, meditation, grounding, presence - it’s all for the purpose of cultivating concentration and awareness of ourselves and our surroundings.

  1. Focus On Your Breath

    Begin by turning your attention to your breath. Notice as it rises and falls with your chest as you breathe in and out. Feel free to simply notice the natural ebb and flow of your breathing, or begin to take deep sips of air - in through your nose and out through your mouth, or gently seal your lips and breathe solely through your nose. Feel it fill up your lungs, and notice how it expands your diaphragm.

  2. Anchor Yourself Into Your Body

    As you breathe, pay attention to how you're feeling in your body. Do you feel your heart beating? What position are your hands in? How is your posture? Where are your feet placed? Feel yourself in your body and simply notice where you're at - no need to change anything right now. Simply be an observer to your physical self.

  3. Begin to Notice Your Surroundings

    Allow the awareness of your physical body expand to your immediate surroundings as if you were experiencing everything with a fresh perspective. What do you see? What do you hear? What can you smell? What can you feel? Allow your sensory inputs to come together slowly . What did you not notice before that has now come to your attention? Breathe it all in. You're now immersed in the present moment.

This beginner’s guide to grounding techniques offers you a starting point to practice mindfulness in a simple, relaxed way. It doesn’t have to be difficult! Come back to this whenever you feel called to.


Gain awareness in how you can discover alignment and cooperation with yourself and the world around you.